The best ways to sell or donate a used piano

My first piano was old—a deep brown upright with a carved case and beautiful ivory keys. It found its way into our home when my cash-strapped mother put a notice in the local paper stating that she was willing to give a good home to an unwanted piano. She got multiple offers. On the instrument she chose, I made up songs (always on the black keys), learned “Heart and Soul,” and practiced my first real pieces after my parents enrolled me in piano lessons. When I became accomplished enough to need a better instrument, my parents donated the piano to another family who couldn’t afford to purchase one.

This was a happy story. In too many instances, people have an unwanted instrument in their homes that no one plays but everyone is afraid to get rid of because it was once part of their childhood or once belonged to Grandma. When the owners of these unwanted pianos finally decide to sell or donate it, they have little or no knowledge of how to do so.

There’s little information available on how to sell or donate a used piano, which is probably why I hear from people several times a year asking me for guidance. Much of the advice I offer those who contact me is region specific, but the basic ideas are universal. Here are the steps I recommend that everyone follow, regardless of where they live:


The piano may look beautiful, but is it still a working instrument? Neglect and circumstances can damage pianos beyond repair, which is why the first step is to hire a technician to analyze the instrument, tune it, and make it ready to pass on to someone else. Yes, this will cost a bit of money, but it is the ethical thing to do. Don’t know where to find a technician? Try contacting your nearest piano store and asking for a referral.

If the technician decides that your piano is in working order, the next step is to research what type of instrument it is and what it may be worth. The piano tuner may have some advice for you; another source is The Bluebook of Pianos. You’ll need the know these things about your piano, as well as its condition, so you can speak knowledgeably about the instrument, regardless of whether you choose to donate or sell it.

If your piano is deemed untunable (and thus unusable for anything other than being a piece of furniture), ask the technician for advice on how to upcycle or repurpose it. Does it have beautiful woodwork that can be used for other purposes? Does the local piano technicians’ guild welcome used up instruments for training purposes? You might also do some online research about recycling options in your community. Your local piano store may also have some suggestions.


If you’ve chosen to sell your piano, you have several options: word of mouth, an online marketplace, or selling the instrument on consignment at a piano store. Unless you have someone in your circle who wants your piano, I always recommend piano store consignment. Most piano dealers know how much each instrument is likely to fetch in your community. They take care of all the details such as moving the instrument out of your home and showing it to potential customers. All you have to do is sit back and wait for a check when the piano gets sold. The only potential downside is that you may not make as much as you would have if you’d sold it yourself.


Everyone thinks churches, schools, and nursing homes want old pianos. In reality, many of these places are overrun with discarded instruments and don’t want to accept any more of them. Why not consider giving your beloved piano to a piano student who can’t afford one? Your local teachers’ organization is a good place to start. Another option is to check with music schools and piano stores in your community. In my experience, there are usually more students who need pianos than there are free pianos available.

A final note: Whether your piano is up cycled, repurposed, or goes on to bring music to someone else, letting go of a family piano can be an emotional experience. But remember, an unused piano gathering dust in the corner offers nothing to anyone. It honors the instrument to pass it on to someone else, giving it a chance to make others happy—just as my childhood piano started me on a lifelong musical journey.

Photo by Paul Stollery, courtesy of UpSplash


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